It Is Coming! The Seventh Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference!

October 25, 2009

The Myth Of Ignorance Regarding Parent Alienation Syndrom and All Workers Inside Family Court

So many professionals that are working hard to expose how Dr. Richard Gardner's PAS (Parent Alienation Sydnrome) junk science is putting children at risk of harm and even death, as PAS is used against a protective mother if she dares to bring up allegations of domestic violence and/or child abuse.

PAS is Dr. Richard Gardner's best used weapon against protective mothers. Gardner's PAS theory totally assumes that a mother is a hysterical and vindictive pathological liar, who's just trying to alienate the father from his child/ren. His suggestion is to basically "alienate" the children from her in order to preserve the bonds between the "alienated" father and his child/dren. Thus, thousands of children are at risk of abuse and/or even death as they are being placed in unsupervised partial or sole custodial care of abusive fathers all around the world.

Yes, there are efforts by professionals to expose the horror battered mothers and abused children are going through in family court, and shouting out to make judges accountable for using the PAS theory in what they feel is in the best interest of the child/ren. However, there is one major key element that's missing. It's destroying the myth that judges, lawyers, guardians ad litems, social workers and whoever else involved with the judge's rulings are ignorant or innocent and don't know the truth of what they are doing.

There are serious concerns when there are bold statements that our society must make judges accountable for their rulings while giving them credit for not knowing the truth. They know the truth, there is no doubt about it. The payoffs with litigations that can go on for years as the protective mother fights for her right to protect her children from the batterer/abuser, has the power to bring in thousands of dollars into the greedy pockets of all professionals that are involved in making the decisions on the what's in the best interest of children. Talk about a corrupt and illegal secure income!

In other words, this corrupt system is using protective mothers who have been battered and her children who either risk being or are being abused by the father of the children, as their money making business. And, in doing so, this system has nothing more than it's own human trafficking or extortion business going on, that's generating millions of constant revenue to line their evil hungry pockets.

It's time we wiped away the myth that our corrupt system is ignorant and or innocent of knowing the truth of what harmful and or fatal outcome Dr. Richard Gardner's PAS junk science risk for abused children. Take away the deceptive acts of ignorance and or innocents from judges, you take away their veil of lies they hide behind. When society as a whole wipes away this myth, then true implementation of accountability of judges will take place.