It Is Coming! The Seventh Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference!

November 30, 2009

What Is It About Claudine's Dombrowski That Threatens Shawnee County Family Court In Kansas?

Could it be this?

How they gave custody of her daughter over to the very man that gave her this black eye?

Or This?

How the very same man that they gave custody of her daughter over to, thought that getting a child's coffin to use as a coffee table was a cool idea.

Or This?

Oh yeah, they believed her daughter was much better off in the custody and care of a father who deserved the number one wife beater award medal hammered against his own skull with a crowbar!

Yes, apparently Shawnee County Family Courts believe that an abusive man is a better fit parent to raise their daughter than her protective mother.

Shawnee County Family Court Whores in Kansas turned a blind eye and deaf ears against Claudine Dombrowski's pleas. Their justification? She acted upon her protective motherly instinct by bringing up the real facts of abuse by the father, in order to get custody of her daughter so that she would be protected from him.

Corrupted Court Whores Are Like Diseased Maggots!